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  • Writer's pictureScott Mccormick


Kangen Water® and Enagic’s Kangen Water® ionizer machines are gaining popularity in the midst of the Corona Virus COVID-19 pandemic. Here are three reasons why these water ionizer machines are so powerful, and a look at how the Kangen Water® ionizer machines can help you stay health internally, externally, and financially. Molecular Hydrogen When your tap water goes thru the electrolysis process needed to create the alkaline ionized water, the process also produces and infuses the water with Molecular Hydrogen. Molecular Hydrogen is one of the most powerful antioxidants on the planet, and the Kangen Water® that is produced by these incredible machines is packed FULL of molecular hydrogen. Molecular hydrogen promotes cell detoxification, increases cell hydration, and strengthens your immune system. Right now I know that many people are concerned with doing whatever they can to strengthen their immune system so that they can get back to their lives without worrying about being able to fight off this new virus that is terrorizing the world. Molecular hydrogen should be a part of everyone’s self-care and immune-system boosting plans. One of the best ways that we can individually fight the effects of this virus is to do everything in our power to (A) ensure we don’t get sick and (B) ensure that if we do get sick, our immune system is strong enough to fight the virus. By drinking hydrogen-rich Kangen Water®, you are giving your immune system a boost. And that is a boost we could all use to help our bodies fight off this virus internally! For more about molecular hydrogen and the benefits of hydrogen rich water, click here. Hypochlorous Acid Enagic’s Kangen Water® ionizer machine systems are capable of producing Hypochlorous Acid Water. HOCl is a non-toxic medical-grade disinfectant that has the same amazing cleaning super-powers as bleach, however it is non-toxic, not harmful to your skin, and safe around children and pets. Top 10 uses for Hypochlorous Acid Water (pH 2.5)

  1. Non-toxic & biodegradable – safe for kids and pets

  2. 80 times stronger than bleach. Bleach takes 2-3 minutes to kill germs, HOCl takes 30 seconds.

  3. Anti-microbial, anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-fungal.

  4. Can be used in eyes to treat eye infections or as an eye rinse

  5. Can be used in your mouth. Great to gargle with if you have a sore throat.

  6. Can be used on the skin, great to use when washing hands instead of an anti-bacterial soap.

  7. Can be used to clean and disinfect surface areas (kitchen, bathroom).

  8. Can be used as a hand sanitizer, or disinfectant spray.

  9. Can be swallowed in small quantities – remedy for heart burn, indigestion, and vomiting.

  10. Can be used during food preparation to disinfect and remove any microbes/bacteria.

Hypochlorous Acid Water is such a powerful disinfectant, and it allows us to keep ourselves, our families, and our homes protected from the threat of microbes, bacteria and other germs. In this way we are able to protect ourselves externally as well. For more about hypochlorous acid water, click here. Work-From-Home Business Opportunity Enagic’s Independent Distributors can work anywhere, especially from the safety of their own homes. With Enagic, you’ll never be forced to go into the office. You can ditch that draining 9-5 job, and do something where you can truly make a difference! This is a location independent job, which means you can work anywhere in the world. You are able to use the internet, and capture the power of social media to share your message. The Health & Wellness industry is growing considerably, and water ionizer machines are projected to grow in market share tremendously over the next 5-10 years. Enagic machines currently have less than 1% market share, in fact, most people have never even heard of Kangen Water® and are not even aware of the incredible benefits that they are missing out on. Even as people are taking financial precautions, these water ionizer machines make sense an investment, because they make a direct impact in the health and wellness of your family both internal and externally. In my own Independent Distributor network, I am seeing several new affiliates joining every day, because this investment just makes sense – health wise as well as financially! Click to learn more about How to Become an Independent Distributor with Enagic. Creating Your New Future We have been offered the opportunity right now to make changes in our lives, and to work towards creating a better life. A life that is more aligned with our own needs, and the needs of our families. There is no better time than right now to invest in yourself, and in your health, and to be able to truly make a difference in the lives of others. Kangen Water® allows you the opportunity to do all of these things, simultaneously. Change Your Water… Change Your Life!

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